Major League
League Rules
*Any rule not amended or listed below will defer to rules based on Cal Ripken rules (A division of Babe Ruth Baseball)
- Any profanity, physical or verbal abuse, or uncooperative attitudes by any coach or assistant coach will be grounds for immediate dismissal by the Chippewa Falls Youth Baseball Board of Directors.
- Coaches should not be on the field during the game except for base coaches, pitcher visits, or injuries.
- Score Book:
- A scorebook must be kept by each team for every game.
- The home team scorebook is the official book. (It is strongly encouraged that both teams compare scorebooks between innings to avoid confusion and correct any discrepancies immediately).
- The scorebook must be accurate and legible if done by paper.
- Each team must be able to produce an up-to-date scorebook upon request of the CFYB league.
- The team scorebook is used to determine player participation and stats for the All-Star team selection purposes.
- Please be accurate and fair in your recordings.
- The umpire call is final on all plays and arguing with the umpires will not be tolerated.
- Every attempt will be made to have two umpires for every game, one for Homeplate and one for the field.
- Any player who throws his or her equipment may be ejected from the game.
- Each team must place 9 players in defensive positions on the field unless less than 9 eligible players are in attendance, in which case all players present will play the field. (*Must have at least 7 players on the field in defensive positions or the game is a forfeit)
- A game that starts with less than 9 players, no out will be recorded for the 8th or 9th spots in the order if only 7 or 8 players are present.
- All players present at a game must be in the batting rotation at all times, unless injury prevents that player from taking his/her turn at bat.
- If a player arrives after the start of the game, he/she is to be inserted into the last batting position.
- If a player fails to appear at the plate for his/her turn at bat due to an injury or situation beyond the control of the manager, no out shall be recorded provided that seven players remain actively in the batting order.
- A forfeit is declared when a team cannot field seven eligible players at any time during the game. (You must start the game with at least 7 players)
- All players present at a game must play in the field of play and may not sit more than 2 consecutive innings.
- All players present at a game are expected to wear their league-provided hat and team shirt/jersey during games. Baseball pants are required at this level.
- Re-entry: Except for the pitcher as it pertains to rule 31(g), re-entry of starters or substitutes is unrestricted.
- Metal cleats are strictly prohibited.
- A regulation game is declared over when:
- After six full innings of play, the score is tied. The game is officially recorded as a tie. (This rule does not apply to any tournament games.)
- The visiting team is ahead after six complete innings.
- The home team is ahead at any time after the visitors have completed their sixth at bat.
- A game is scheduled for 1 hour and 30 minutes with no new innings to start after 1 hour and 30 minutes. (*This applies to all games, not just the first game of the evening)
- A "new" inning automatically begins when the last out is called by the umpire for the previous inning and time has not expired.
- Games are expected to start on time, any game that starts late will have a 1 hour and 30 minute hard stop from the scheduled start time.
- A game is declared over according to the ten-run rule when either team is behind by ten or more runs at the conclusion of their fourth or fifth at bat.
- Due to time limitations, the following player etiquette is expected:
- Players are expected to hustle on and off the field of play.
- Coaches are reminded that intentionally stalling or giving outs while at bat to make strategic use of the time limit is not consistent with the spirit of the game.
- Time lost due to injury, rain delay or late start of a previous game will be added to the next scheduled game time.
- Warmup pitches between innings should be kept to a minimum to keep gameplay moving.
- When the umpire calls a game due to the time limit, the game is complete and the score stands regardless of the number of innings which have been completed.
- The umpire shall keep the official time when the game starts and confirm with both teams' coaches.
- If a game is called by the umpire for any reason other than the time limit (weather, darkness, etc.) it will be a regulation game after three and one-half innings have been played if any of the following are true:
- The visitors have completed their fourth at bat and are trailing at the moment that the game is called. (Regardless if they are at bat or not.)
- The home team has had at least four full at-bats, is behind when they completed their last full at-bat, and remains behind, regardless if they are now further or less behind.
- The home team has scored a sufficient number of runs in its half of the inning to tie the game at the moment the game is called.
- NOTE: This is a regulation game and is recorded in the books as a tie.
- If a game is called by the umpire for any reason other than the time limit (weather, darkness, etc.) while either the fifth or sixth inning is in progress, the game is a “suspended game” if:
- The visiting team has scored one or more runs to tie the game, and the home team has not yet had its full opportunity to take the lead.
- The visiting team has scored one or more runs to take the lead and the home team has not yet taken back the lead, nor have they tied the game.
- NOTE: The overall result of this rule is that if a game is called when at bats are not equal between the home and visiting teams, and the visitor’s team gained the advantage of tie due to that inequality, the home team is given its full opportunity to win the game, or else the game is suspended. In the case where the visitors actually took the lead due to that inequity, the home team must be given its full opportunity to at least salvage a tie, or else the game is suspended.
- A suspended game is to be continued from the point of suspension at a time agreed upon by the coaches involved and league officials. All pitching limitations, substitutions, etc are to be as they were at the point the game was suspended.
- Other than a game called due to the time limit, all games which do not reach the regulation three and one-half (home team ahead) or four complete innings as outlined previously shall be ruled “no game” are to be made up as a new game. Innings pitched do not count in any way.
- Batting Cage Policy (Includes Soft-Toss Net Area)
- The home team will use the cage closest to the dugouts as they will need to prep the field.
- The visiting team will use the cage located near the outfield.
- No one is allowed in the batting cage without adult supervision.
- Batting helmets are always required when in the batting cage.
- Batting helmets are required for every player to bat. A face cage/mask is optional and not required.
- Bunting is allowed.
- It is the base runner's responsibility to minimize violent collisions with the fielder at all times and all locations along the base paths when the fielder is in the act of fielding a hit ball. If no attempt is made to avoid a collision when the fielder is in the act of fielding a hit ball, the runner will be called out. If the defensive player is receiving a put-out throw, or awaiting a put-out throw, any base runner who does not attempt to slide in such a situation will be called out.
- NOTE: When a fielder, in the umpire’s judgment, is obstructing the runner’s advance (without the ball), the runner is awarded that base which he/she would have advanced to had there been no obstruction. If, however, the base runner chooses to “steamroll” the fielder rather than minimize the contact, he will be called out and if flagrant, ejected from the game.
- No head-first slides into any base. If a runner slides head-first they shall be considered out. Sliding head-first back to a base is allowed.
- The infield fly rule is in effect for the major league.
- Stealing is allowed.
- The pitch must cross the plate before a player can leave the base.
- If the player leaves early the team will be given one warning. The next occurrence by any player on the warned team will result in a player being called out. The pitch will be ruled a dead ball or no pitch.
- The batter cannot reach on a dropped 3rd strike.
- Base distances are 60 feet.
- 10-run rule:
- During any inning except the 6th inning, a team cannot score more than 10 runs in that one inning. Upon scoring the 10th run, the offensive portion of the inning ends for that team, even if additional players are still on the bases.
- During the 6th inning of the game, the 10-run rule DOES NOT apply.
- Bat regulations:
- No longer than 32 inches
- No specific weight/length ratio limit
- Wood or metal is allowed
- Non-wood and multi-piece wood bats must be USABat certified
- USSSA/BBCOR bats are NOT allowed at this level
- Pitching Limitations:
- One pitch thrown in any inning is counted as an inning for that particular pitcher.
- A pitcher may pitch no more than 3 innings in a single game.
- A pitcher may pitch no more than 6 innings in a calendar week.
- A calendar week is Monday through Sunday.
- If a pitcher pitches more than 2 innings in a single game, that pitcher must be rested for no less than 2 calendar days.
- Example: A pitcher who pitches more than 2 innings on Monday may not pitch on Tuesday or Wednesday. (The end of the calendar week does not affect the 2 days rest required.)
- When a pitcher pitches 2 or less innings in a single game, there is no mandatory rest requirement, although we strongly encourage coaches to rest pitchers after each pitching assignment.
- A coach can make only one trip to the mound to talk with his/her pitcher per inning. If a coach makes a second trip to the mound in the same inning (not counting trips due to injuries), the pitcher must be removed from the mound.
- A pitcher who is removed from the mound cannot return as a pitcher in the same game.
- Pitching distance is 46 feet. This is measured from the front edge of the pitchers mound to the back tip of the plate.
(Amended 1/3/2025)
Tournament Rules
The major league season will conclude with a 1-week single elimination tournament that will be held early to mid-June. The tournament seeding will be based on the regular season standings. In the case that teams end the season with the same record the tie-breaker will be as follows:
· 1. Head-To-Head Record
· 2. Run differential
· 3. Runs Allowed
· 4. Runs Scored
· 5. Coin Toss
- The home team for each contest shall be the higher-seeded team.
- The umpire will call the official start time with both teams’ coach's acknowledgment.
- Games are considered to have started on time unless unavoidable due to a tie, or a rain delay from the previous game.
- Games are subject to the following limitations:
- The visiting team shall not come to bat at the top of a new inning after 1 hour and 30 minutes of the game has already been played.
- Exception: A game that is tied after 1 hour and 30 minutes has elapsed, must be played to a final decision.
- Exception: If a rain delay interrupts the game, the length of the delay is not counted as a portion of the allowed 1 hour and 30 minutes.
- Due to pitching limitations, the time limit will be enforced for all games including games that are the last scheduled game of the day.
- A “new” inning automatically begins when the last out is called by the umpire for the previous inning and time has not expired. NO TIME LIMIT WILL BE ENFORCED DURING THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.
- Warmup pitches between innings should be kept to a minimum to keep gameplay moving.
- When a game is stopped due to the time limit, it shall be considered a complete game regardless of the number of innings played, provided at-bats are equal or the home team is ahead when the time limit elapses.
- If a game is tied or the trailing team has less than 4 at-bats and the game is called for darkness or weather, the game will be considered suspended. It must be finished ASAP and will resume where it ended.
- Players are expected to hustle on and off the field. Coaches are reminded that stalling for strategic use of the time limit is not consistent with the spirit of competition.
- A 10-run rule will go into effect after 3-1/2 innings of play. At bats must be equal. THE 10-RUN RULE DOES NOT APPLY IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME.
- Due to time restraints, no infield practice may be taken between games.
- Pitching Limitations:
- 1 pitch thrown by a pitcher within an inning is considered 1 inning pitched.
- A pitcher may pitch no more than 3 innings in a single game.
- A pitcher may pitch no more than 5 innings in a single day.
- A pitcher’s innings must be consecutive.
- Any pitcher who pitches more than 2 innings in a day must rest for 1 calendar day.
- Example: If a pitcher pitches 3 innings on Monday they cannot pitch on Tuesday but could pitch again on Wednesday.
- A pitcher may pitch no more than 10 innings during the entire tournament.
- Coaches must keep a written record of their pitcher’s innings for inspection purposes. The pitcher’s innings must be documented on a chart in the concession stand after the game.
- All other regular season major league rules shall apply.
- If games are canceled due to bad weather, the entire schedule will be altered. Coaches will be notified by the league commissioner of schedule changes. In extreme cases of bad weather, the tournament format may be changed. The goal is to conclude the tournament before the July 4th holiday. The Wheaton field may also be used.
- One parent from each team should be scheduled to work in the concession stand during the game.
(Amended 1/14/2024)