Join Our Team

Interested in joining the CFYB organization? We are always looking for help in many different ways. Opportunities include board member positions, league commissioners, fun night committee members, and more. Please reach out to us.


Want to umpire baseball or softball games and make a little money? We are looking for umpires for our upcoming season. Visit our “Resources” tab and read about umpiring for our leagues.

Go to your account at the top of the page and click on volunteer on the left-hand side or just click the umpire button below.


If you are interested in sponsoring a team or an outfield sign please either go to the programs tab at the top of the page and click sponsorship or click the sponsor button below to register to become a sponsor.


Chippewa Falls Youth Baseball & Softball is a non-profit organization that relies on partners around the Chippewa Valley to allow us to support our youth on their athletic journey. Please consider donating to this organization and its great cause. Thank you.


Volunteers Needed!!

CFYB's annual fall clean-up day will be held on Saturday, October 19th at the fields starting at 8 am. 

The Chippewa Falls Youth Baseball & Softball Association fall field clean-up day is coming quickly, Saturday, October 19th starting at 8:00am. We need as much help as possible to get all of our fields and buildings cleaned up and shut down for winter. If you can spare any amount of time that morning to help with field clean-up and shut down it would be greatly appreciated. We will start around 8:00am and last until all tasks are complete. The more help we can get the quicker it will all be complete.

Tasks will include taking down all of the batting cages, taking down the windscreens, cleaning the fields of sticks and leaves, helping clean and organize the sheds, concession stands, bathrooms and various other tasks to close up the fields for winter.

We would like to get started early as we have some field work being done with some equipment and want to allow them to do the work they need without having to stop for us to get our clean up done.

Thank you.

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